What would YOU have done with these poker cards...POKER VARIATIONS ON A THEME
Jonathan Bull is an avid online poker player, Daily Star reader, and a friend of this column. He tinkles a mean jazz piano in his spare moments and tends to play Texas Hold’em with the same level of experimentation as he applies to his music.He tells of landing an 8-7 of spades last weekend and raising pre-flop to see 8 of clubs, Ace of hearts, and 10 of spades show up centre table. So this situation presents him with a lot of variations. He’s looking at an extremely optimistic but possible 6-7-8-9-10 running spade flush. Or just a plain straight and all this with the security of knowing he’s already paired his 8 in the hole. The New Orleans card player in his soul tells him it’s time to make “money music” but, if he doesn’t make either of the straights, his pair of 8’s may not be big enough to carry the day if he wades in big time. What would you do in these circumstances? (Think about it for a minute or two and come to your conclusion before you read on).
OK. Long story short. Jonathan lives up to his name and goes Bull-ish, betting heavily into a one-on-one showdown with the turn and the river producing small reds (2 of diamonds and 4 of hearts). With such small cards on the last two streets Jonathan figures his 8’s may make it. Unfortunately, Mr Slik1 opposite him is holding the other ace. Finally, a Bull is milked.
Those of you who honestly would’ve folded the 8’s at the sight of the ace on the board get my vote. It’s very tempting to go for it when you a see a potential straight out there with the protection of a pair from the outset, especially when the straight just might turn out to be same-suited. The Ace is the killer and skews the risk-reward ratio against pursuing the straight. Team points to the folders. Lesson learned to the holders.
Caesars Palace, Las Vegas is one of the oldest established names in gaming. After sixteen years without a single poker room they are splashing out $12,000,000 to build a customised 6,000 square foot space large enough to hold major tournaments. Caesars are at last following in the footsteps of the Las Vegas Hilton, the Mirage and the Golden Nugget who have all recently re-opened their poker rooms. Poker continues its inexorable popularity climb.
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