Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Poker Mind Control: Poker and the Emotional Brain

Poker Mind Control: Poker and the Emotional Brain

How poker players' brains give off clues to their thoughts and how you can exploit those mind tells and limit your own poker tells through poker mind control.

In live social games of poker your brain may not be the slave to your wishes that you believe it to be. Unfortunately the brain is formed of two very different parts. Put simply, the thinking brain and the emotional brain. You may have 90% control of your thinking brain but the likelihood that you understand, let alone control, your emotional brain is probably nudging zero. What does this mean in practical poker playing terms? It’s bad news for anyone who isn’t aware of the facts. How does the emotional brain betray you during a game? Okay. When the emotional brain sees something that disturbs it, it automatically reacts to attempt to pacify the situation. When an opposing player starts talking while making a bet you can be 99% sure he or she is attempting a bluff. If a player leans forward prior to the play reaching them you’ll know they’re emotional brain has already signalled them to act. It means they like what they’re holding, especially if their arms move onto the felt in a confident leaning gesture. Watch for all of this. Check it out. It’ll make you smile until you realise you’re doing it yourself on some level. Maybe you glance sideways when making a bluff or if you raise your eyebrows when the flop comes down you just told anyone who knows what they’re looking for that YOU LIKE WHAT YOU SEE!

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The answer lies as it often does in technology. Play your poker online and none of the above “tells” can be communicated. You will still be giving off clues to skilled players but they will be far fewer and harder to spot. When playing in live social games just be aware of the emotional brain and its affect on your opposition. Chances are you’ll be the only one at the table who knows it’s functioning and be able to take advantage.

Know why you are betting. A lot of new players decide they like the hole cards they’ve been dealt and place a bet. Immediately someone challenges them with a raise they’re like a hare in the headlights, unsure as to how confident they really are in the cards they’re holding. A good rule when starting out is to be sure you want to bet and have an idea of how you will react to any of the likely responses you might face following that bet. If you’ve got a high pair then raise pre-flop with the certain strategy that if the flop doesn’t give you three of a kind you’ll probably fold unless the flop itself looks fairly unhelpful to all parties. In that case you may decide to proceed if the opposition doesn’t start pumping the pot. Have a definite thought process in place and only deviate from it if the flop indicates your high pair could carry the day. Obviously low cards unsuited and unconnected in the flop would indicate you should at least proceed to the turn.

Source: http://www.onlinepokercolumn.com/Poker-Mind-Control-Poker-Emotional-Brain.html